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English - Speaking Practice (1 hour)

Practise speaking English with pronunciation and grammar guidance

1 h
36 US dollars

Service Description

This course is perfect for those who want to improve their spoken English, whether it is to become more confident, improve your pronunciation or learn how to talk more about a range of different topics. During our conversation, I will make notes on your speaking and keep a record on Google Docs (or any other programme) for your reference, I will then spend the last 10 minutes of each class to feedback to you any notable mistakes and how you can improve. To learn more about lesson structure and how I teach this course, feel free to contact me or book a trial lesson with me to discuss! *For conversation-only lessons (no feedback), where you would like to just practise speaking, please contact me. *Please note, speaking courses are for conversation practise only, and is only available to students of a CEFR B1 level and above who are able to communicate effectively in the target language, and is not suitable for absolute beginners or students who struggle with maintaining a conversation. 本課程非常適合那些想要提高英語口語的學生,無論是要增强自信、改善發音還是學習如何談論更多不同的話題。 在我們的談話中,我會對你的演講做筆記,並在谷歌文檔(或任何其他程序)上記錄下來給你參考,然後我會在每節課的最後 10 分鐘向你反饋任何明顯的錯誤以及你如何改善。想要了解更多有關課程結構以及我如何教這門課程的信息,請別客氣隨時與我聯繫或與我預約試驗課進行討論!*對於僅對話課程(無反饋),您只想練習口語,請與我聯繫。 *請注意,口語課程僅用於會話練習,僅適用於能夠進行有效交流的 CEFR B1 及以上水平的學生,不適合初學者或難以保持對話的學生.

Cancellation Policy

Lessons cancelled over 24 hours from lesson start time are eligible for a full refund or reschedule, lessons cancelled within 24 hours are non-refundable. If you have an urgent reason to cancel, please get in touch with our team via email.

Contact Details

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